Bill Description: House Bill 382 would require every public education institution within the state of Idaho to record and report the immigration status and nationality of its students.
Rating: +1
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House Bill 382 would require every public education institution within the state of Idaho to record and report the immigration status and nationality of its students.
Under Plyler v. Doe (1982) states are unjustly required by law to provide free public K-12 education to the children of illegal immigrants. This mandate imposes a significant financial burden on Idaho’s education system, with expenditures on the English Language Learners (ELL) program totaling $4.8 million in fiscal year 2024-2025. The Migration Policy Institute estimates that in 2021 there were over 18,000 ELL students in Idaho and over 57,000 total children in immigrant families. While it is uncertain what percentage of those students are the children of illegal immigrants, it is likely that they account for a significant proportion of that cost. House Bill 382 would improve accountability in Idaho’s public education system by exposing the financial strain imposed on it by illegal immigration