Bill Description: House Bill 369 would require large local taxing districts to provide clear notification when they intend to increase taxes.
Rating: +1
Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency, accountability, or election integrity? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to government activity or increase government transparency, accountability, or election integrity?
House Bill 369 would create Section 63-802B, Idaho Code, to require a taxing district with a budget of greater than $1 million to provide notice if it "proposes to increase the dollar amount of property tax revenues for its annual budget over the previous year."
Increased revenue from "new construction, annexation, or the termination, deannexation, or plan modification of a revenue allocation area of an urban renewal district" would not be considered an increase in property tax revenues.
A taxing body would fulfill this requirement in two ways. The first would be to "publish a notice in a newspaper qualified to print legal notices." The second would be to "mail a copy of the same to each owner of taxable property within the taxing district no earlier than four (4) weeks before and no later than two (2) weeks before the taxing district's budget hearing."
The bill would also require the taxing district to hold a hearing on the proposed tax increase that is "open to the public and held at a hearing of the taxing district with no items on the agenda other than discussion and action on the taxing district's proposed budget and property tax revenue increase request."
These requirements should provide increased transparency for property owners when a taxing district intends to increase their taxes.