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House Bill 357 — America250 commemoration fund (-1)

House Bill 357 — America250 commemoration fund (-1)

Parrish Miller
March 5, 2025

Bill Description: House Bill 357 would create the "America250 commemoration fund" and establish an advisory committee to oversee spending from the fund.

Rating: -1

NOTE: House Bill 357 is related to an appropriation made to the Idaho Historical Society in 2024. 

Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government?

House Bill 357 would amend Section 57-829, Idaho Code, to establish "America250 commemoration fund" in the state treasury. The money in this fund would be dedicated to "funding Idaho's participation in celebrating the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of America's founding."

These funds would include "any amounts appropriated by the legislature for the purposes described by this section; and gifts, grants, and other donations." The Legislature appropriated $1.65 million to the Idaho Historical Society in 2024 for this purpose. 

The bill would also establish "the America250 advisory committee." The committee would have seven members, including the director of the state historical society, the state treasurer, one member appointed by the governor, and four members appointed by the legislative council.

The committee would direct and approve all distributions of funds from the America250 commemoration fund.

Idahoans are able to celebrate and commemorate historical anniversaries without government assistance. Establishing this fund and committee, as well as the spending they would facilitate, represents an expansion of government far beyond its proper role and scope.


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