Bill Description: House Bill 331 would increase the cap on the public charter school facilities program to help established charter schools secure lower interest rates on bonds.
Rating: +1
Analyst Note: House Bill 331 is effectively the same as House Bill 256 introduced earlier this session.
Does it expand the government's bureaucratic monopoly on education, reduce family and student choice, or finance education based on an institution or system? Conversely, does it reduce government coercion in education, expand education choice, or finance education based on the student rather than the institution?
House Bill 331 would increase the cap on the public charter school facilities program used to help charter schools secure lower interest rates on bonds for facilities. According to a joint study conducted by ExcelinEd and BLUUM, this program has helped participating charter schools save a combined $11,816,814 a year in interest payments and a projected $112,896,443 over fifteen years. The expansion of this program will help more charter schools limit their operating costs, thus increasing educational opportunities for Idaho’s K-12 population.