Bill Description: House Bill 305 would give local school districts the discretion to hire less staff and redirect funds to other needs.
Rating: 0
Does it expand the government's bureaucratic monopoly on education, reduce family and student choice, or finance education based on an institution or system? Conversely, does it reduce government coercion in education, expand education choice, or finance education based on the student rather than the institution?
Under existing law, a significant portion of school district funding is micromanaged in code. As a result, school districts are given certain allowances for various purposes, such as instructional staff, that they must use only for that purpose or risk that funding. This system incentivizes schools to hire additional staff with resources that could be better utilized for another purpose. House Bill 305 would allow school districts to hire up to 9.5 percent less instructional staff than they are otherwise allocated without losing funding, giving them more latitude to spend that funding on other needs. One limitation of the bill, however, is that it does not allow school districts to hire less administrative and classified staff.