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House Bill 3 - Immunity from civil liability

House Bill 3 - Immunity from civil liability

Parrish Miller
August 24, 2020

Bill description: House Bill 3 would provide immunity from civil liabilities "for any claim arising from the transmission or contraction of COVID-19" for schools and institutions of higher learning. 

Rating: -1

ANALYST’S NOTE: House Bill 3 provides immunity only to schools and institutions of higher learning. It does not offer any immunity to private businesses. 

Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency or accountability? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to government activity or increase government transparency or accountability?

By granting special immunity to schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning, RS28061 substantially lessens government accountability for the harm it may contribute to or cause. This is particularly relevant to schools, where attendance may be compulsory.


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