Bill Description: House Bill 257 would give the state tax commission additional authority and tools to ensure local taxing districts are not overstepping their authority.
Rating: +1
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House Bill 257 would repeal and replace Section 63-1404, Idaho Code, which deals with ensuring that local taxing districts and officials comply with state law.
It would say that "Whenever it appears to the state tax commission that any public officer or employee whose duties relate to the appraisal, exemption, assessment, or equalization of property for taxation has failed to comply with any law relating to such duties, or the rules of the state tax commission made in pursuance thereof, the state tax commission, pursuant to the requirements of this section, may issue an order directing the public officer or employee to comply with such law or rule."
The replaced section would provide additional details regarding compliance and enforcement.
Providing the state tax commission additional authority and oversight over local taxing districts may give taxpayers an additional avenue for seeking redress of grievances when a local district chooses to ignore them.