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House Bill 241 — Public health district boards (-1)

House Bill 241 — Public health district boards (-1)

Parrish Miller
February 18, 2025

Bill Description: House Bill 241 would limit who county commissioners may appoint to a health district board.

Rating: -1

Does it promote the breakdown of the traditional family or the deconstruction of societal norms? Examples include promoting or incentivizing degeneracy, violating parental rights, and compromising the innocence of children. Conversely, does it protect or uphold the structure, tenets, and traditional values of Western society?

House Bill 241 would amend Section 39-411, Idaho Code, to limit who county commissioners may appoint to the board of trustees of a district board of health. This bill would say that, "except for a board seat designated for an available physician," each other board trustee must be "a currently elected county official from the appointing county."

The bill would also reduce the terms of health district board trustees from five years to two years.

Currently, any trustee may be removed by a "majority vote of all the county commissioners of all the counties located within the district." House Bill 241 would increase the vote threshold to a 2/3 majority, making it more difficult for county commissioners to remove a health district board trustee. 

These changes must be understood within the political context of the last five years, where conservative county commissioners have chosen to part ways with leftist authoritarians on health district boards and appoint strong conservatives in their place (including Attorney General Raul Labrador, former Rep. Greg Ferch, and Dr. Ryan Cole) in spite of vocal opposition from leftist agitators. 

House Bill 241 would hamstring these efforts, especially by limiting the pool of potential appointees to elected county officials. 


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