Bill Description: House Bill 233 would require counties to establish agricultural protection area funds to subsidize landowners who designate their property as an agricultural protection area.
Rating: -1
NOTE: House Bill 233 deals with agricultural protection areas, which were created by House Bill 608, introduced in 2024.
Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government?
House Bill 233 would create Section 67-9713, Idaho Code, to require "each board of county commissioners of counties that have agricultural protection areas within their boundaries" to "establish an agricultural protection area fund."
These funds would accept "voluntary contributions from public and private entities." While the idea of a voluntary contribution sounds good, when a "public" (i.e. government) entity provides a "voluntary contribution" to another government entity, the money being transferred still comes from taxes, fees, or assessments of one kind or another.
The bill says counties shall distribute 95% of the money in these agricultural protection area funds to "landowners with approved agricultural protection areas" on a "per-acre basis." The other 5% of the money will be used for "administrative costs of the fund and to promote agriculture within the county's boundaries."
None of this is the proper role of government. The government should not establish funds or seek contributions to subsidize anyone or promote anything.