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House Bill 221 — Teacher certificates

House Bill 221 — Teacher certificates

Anna Miller
February 23, 2021

Bill Description: House Bill 221 allows school districts and public charter schools to create local teaching certificates. 

Rating: 0

Does it increase barriers to entry into the marketplace? Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market?

House Bill 221 allows school districts and public charter schools to create local teaching certificates. Teachers can obtain these certificates instead of state ones. School districts and public charter schools could tailor their required teacher certificates to meet the unique needs of the students and community they service. A local certificate could be a lower barrier to entering the teaching profession than a state one. 


House Bill 221 does not allow teachers to move up the career ladder with a local teaching certificate. Instead, teachers must pursue additional state training and certification to move up the career ladder. Licensing requirements are a barrier to entry to the teaching profession. Although teachers may find a  local licensing option attractive at first glance,  they will face the same state licensing barriers as before when they try to move up the career ladder. 


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