Bill Description: House Bill 127 would micromanage the relationship between vehicle manufacturers and vehicle dealers.
Rating: -1
Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in the market?
House Bill 127 would amend Section 49-1626, Idaho Code, by adding a subsection that says, "If a manufacturer or distributor requires or permits a dealer to perform labor or provide parts in satisfaction of a warranty issued by the manufacturer or distributor, the manufacturer or distributor shall reimburse the dealer for labor as rendered, using the manufacturer's or distributor's labor time guide or the labor time guide used by the dealer for labor furnished other than pursuant to warranty, at the dealer's election, and for parts and supplies, including but not limited to engine, transmission, and other parts assemblies, as furnished, in an amount equal to the prevailing retail rate charged by the dealer for the labor or the prevailing retail markup charged by the dealer for the parts and supplies in circumstances in which the labor is rendered or the parts and supplies are furnished other than pursuant to warranty."
The business relationships and contracts between vehicle manufacturers and vehicle dealers should not be regulated and micromanaged by government.