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House Bill 102 — Recreation district, petition, dissolution (+1)

House Bill 102 — Recreation district, petition, dissolution (+1)

Parrish Miller
February 3, 2025

Bill Description: House Bill 102 would allow a recreation district board to submit a petition to the county seeking the district's dissolution. 

Rating: +1

Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government?

Recreation districts exist outside of the proper role of government, and under Idaho law, the only way to dissolve one is for at least 20% of the voters in the district to sign a petition seeking its dissolution.

House Bill 102 would amend Section 31-4320, Idaho Code, to allow this dissolution process to begin with a petition from a majority of the members of the recreation district’s board. 

Even if this were enacted, dissolving a recreation district would require a majority vote of voters within the district, as is the case today. 

There is no guarantee that passing House Bill 102 will result in any recreation districts being dissolved. But it does provide an additional avenue for those seeking to curtail the scope and spending of government. 


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