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House Bill 023 — Vehicles, licenses, permits (+1)

House Bill 023 — Vehicles, licenses, permits (+1)

Parrish Miller
January 20, 2025

Bill Description: House Bill 23 would make motorcycle and driving instruction permits valid for 1 year instead of the current 6 months. It also would remove the requirement that individuals who previously had an Idaho driver's license retake the knowledge test in Idaho to obtain a new license.

Rating: +1

Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments?

Under current law, a motorcycle and driving instruction permit is only valid for 180 days. Anyone who needs more time to practice before seeking a standard license must renew the permit for an additional 180 days. House Bill 23 would amend Section 49-305, Idaho Code, to make these instruction permits valid for 1 year. This gives people more time to practice and learn without the cost and inconvenience of renewing the permit. 

House Bill 23 also addresses situations where someone who once held an Idaho driver's license left the state, returned, and needed to obtain a new license. Under such circumstances, an applicant would no longer be required to retake the knowledge test. 

The changes proposed by House Bill 23 are small, but they reduce to some degree the cost and inconvenience of government intrusion into people's lives. 


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