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Higgins wants to honor Chinese in Ada county

Higgins wants to honor Chinese in Ada county

Dustin Hurst
February 3, 2010
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February 3, 2010

Rep. Elfreda Higgins, D-Garden City, wants the Legislature to recognize the city she represents for its efforts to honor the Chinese tradition in the area.

Higgins introduced the resolution before the House State Affairs Committee, saying that the events for Chinese Heritage Day held each year, including an authentic Dragon parade, cultural food booths, and craft activities, help to bring the community together in what she calls "unifying inclusiveness."  Other events planned for the celebration include martial arts demonstrations, live music, and the Great Chinese Rubber Ducky Race, which was, at least in 2009, organized by the Garden City Fire Department.

The city usually holds the celebration the first weekend in October, but there is no specific day set apart for recognition, noted Higgins.

Garden City was named for gardens planted and maintained by Chinese immigrants in that area, though the gardens no longer exist.  Even the city's main thoroughfare, Chinden Boulevard, reflects the city's Chinese heritage; "Chinden" is a combination of the words "China" and "garden."

The committee voted unanimously to approve the introduction of the resolution, which will now make its way before the full House for further consideration.  The measure would also recognize Ada County, the county in which Garden City resides.

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