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HB 481 - Eliminating homebuilder plumbing exemptions

HB 481 - Eliminating homebuilder plumbing exemptions

Phil Haunschild
February 5, 2018

Bill Description: HB 481 would restrict the amount of plumbing work that homebuilders can do without hiring the work out to fully licensed plumbers.

Rating: -1

Does it increase barriers to entry into the market?

HB 481 would limit the plumbing work that homebuilders can do, forcing them to hire such jobs out to a licensed plumber. Already, any work that is done on a home by a plumber, whether licensed or unlicensed, must meet the standards and guidelines put forth by the Division of Building Safety. The language under this bill would further raise the standard, thereby raising the cost of construction in Idahopricing out some builders who already have low margins on their work. Similarly, raising the costs of construction would increase the price of homes, pricing many homebuyers out of the market.


Idaho Freedom Foundation
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