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Hard six-year limit added to early graduation pilot project

Hard six-year limit added to early graduation pilot project

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 16, 2010

The Idaho Senate approved adding a six-year time limit to a plan to allow some public high school students to graduate early and receive a scholarship to attend public universities and colleges.  The Mastery Advancement Pilot Program (MAPP) would let students test out of classes or full years of instruction.  The program could be tested in 21 school districts and three charter schools.  The amendment would have the MAPP end in 2016, unless lawmakers take action in the future.

“This does one simple thing: it provides a sunset clause,” said Sen. Russ Fulcher, R-Meridian.  The MAPP originally included a six-year window, but not a firm end date.  Rep. Branden Durst, D-Boise, one of the sponsors of the plan, said an end date wasn't included because he wanted to give the Idaho Department of Education time to prepare the program, which could have delayed the first year until 2011.  With Fulcher's amendment, the six-year window for the MAPP would start during the next school year.

The next step for the MAPP program is a Senate vote on the plan with Fulcher's amendment.  If it is approved, the plan would head back to the House, which would also need to approve the pilot project as amended.  Read IdahoReporter.com's past coverage of the MAPP here. The text of the MAPP legislation is available here.

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