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Gov. Otter wants more compensation for damage from wolves

Gov. Otter wants more compensation for damage from wolves

Mitch Coffman
March 8, 2012

Last week, Gov. Butch Otter testified before Congress about damage caused by wolves in Idaho and said the federal government should be doing more to pay for damage, according to the Idaho Statesman. It didn't go real well.

Not only was the governor told the state would receive no additional funding, but he heard that the federal government would reduce funding down from the current $704,000 to zero over the next four years.

Otter contends that the feds should pay for confirmed losses from wolves because the federal government forced Idaho to reintroduce wolves back in 1995. There are an estimated 750 wolves in Idaho, down about 300 due to deaths and harvesting of wolves during 2011.

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