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GOP brings in ‘Victory Coordinator’ to work for Labrador and others

GOP brings in ‘Victory Coordinator’ to work for Labrador and others

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
August 9, 2010

The Idaho Republican Party has hired a third staffer for its victory campaign, which uses funding from the National Republican Committee to help political races in the state.  All three are working primarily on the campaign of Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Eagle.

Dan Dunham, a former candidate for Boise City Council and other offices, will work for the state GOP as a Southwest Idaho Victory Coordinator.  The GOP already has a field director in north Idaho and a statewide coordinator.

“As we are witnessing the federal government power grab of the Obama administration, it is our duty to work hard to correct the direction and seek a better path,” Dunham said in a news release.  “That’s why it’s crucial to elect Raul Labrador, a proven conservative leader, to Congress in the 1st District.”

Labrador is challenging Democrat Walt Minnick, who had a sizable lead in the polls and campaign finance, based on information released in July.

Dunham’s job includes nuts-and-bolts campaign tasks, including organizing volunteers and working with local precinct committeemen.  He said local officials can link up with national Republican leaders.  “We have new technological support from the national Republican National Committee to make this happen,” he said.  “So we have the equipment and plan for victory in November for Idaho Republicans.  Now we need to activate the manpower to accomplish the mission.”

“We are delighted to have Dan on board for this assignment because of his dedication to the conservative Republican cause for more than 30 years,” said Idaho Republican Executive Director Jonathan Parker said.

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