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Fired transportation head reaches $750,000 settlement with state

Fired transportation head reaches $750,000 settlement with state

Mitch Coffman
August 23, 2012

The fired former head of the Idaho Department of Transportation has reached a settlement with the state that will pay her $750,000, according to  a story in the Idaho Statesman. She said in a lawsuit that she was fired without cause and for political reasons.

Pam Lowe, who now works in the transportation division for the state of Delaware, will receive $562,500 in $5,000 monthly installments for 10 years beginning in October 2013. The remaining money will go for legal fees.

The settlement also requires the state transportation department to write a letter stating she performed satisfactorily during her time with the department and that neither side may say anything about each other.


Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2012/08/23/2241588/lowe-case-costs-idaho-13-million.html#storylink=cpy


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