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Family of slain graduate student reportedly settles with University of Idaho

Family of slain graduate student reportedly settles with University of Idaho

Mitch Coffman
April 18, 2012

Katy Benoit was killed nearly a year ago by a professor from the University of Idaho, a professor she had dated. In a story from the Couer d' Alene Press, the Associated Press reports the university and Benoit's family have reached a financial settlement. The terms of the settlement were not disclosed.

Benoit was shot 11 times by Ernesto Bustamante, with whom she had recently ended a relationship. Bustamante resigned from his position wtih the university, then checked himself into a motel and killed himself.

The State Board of Education will consider the settlement at a meeting in north Idaho on Wednesday.

Bustamante suffered from bipolar disorder, which he disclosed to the university after being hired in 2007. Medication for the disorder, as well as for severe anxiety, were discovered in the room in which he killed himself.

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