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Fact check: Better Idaho uses Connecticut bridge to sell Idaho's $95 million tax hike

Fact check: Better Idaho uses Connecticut bridge to sell Idaho's $95 million tax hike

Dustin Hurst
July 6, 2015
Author Image
July 6, 2015

Better Idaho failed in an effort Monday to support tax hikes on Gem State workers and families.

Better Idaho, a progressive front group fueled by union and left-wing cash, tried to support last week’s $95 million tax hike on drivers with a graphic slamming opponents.

Here’s a look:

straw man idaho

Scary, right?

The blog, run by environmentalist Derek Farr, edited the picture to hide an inconvenient fact: The bridge out in this picture isn’t in Idaho. According to a Google Maps search, the bridge sits more than 2,500 miles from Boise.

That’s 37 hours by car with no stops.

Here’s a look at the whole picture, sans deceptive edits:

better idaho sign

The Bayberry Lane bridge was, according to WestportNow.com, damaged by Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged New York and New Jersey, causing billions in damages.

WestportNow.com reported repairs closed the bridge four weeks while crews fixed problems with the support structure. While the sign belies a full bridge collapse, officials said the structure was completely safe for travel.

“The bridge is not unsafe to cross, but we want to get the work done as soon as possible before schools resume in the fall,” Westport Public Works Director Steve Edwards told Patch.com.

Farr declined to discuss the deceptive graphic.

Idaho lawmakers hiked taxes on drivers and workers July 1, boosting the gas tax 7 cents a gallon, plus adding $21 a year to car registration costs.

Wayne Hoffman, head of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, opposed the tax increase not because he doesn’t see the need for road repairs, but due to legislators’ poor fiscal planning.

“This was a crisis years in the making that virtually anyone at the Statehouse could have, should have and likely did see coming,” Hoffman wrote last week. “And while lawmakers and the governor had multiple occasions over multiple years to set aside money for transportation, they avoided doing so. They outright ignored the problem, leading to where we are today.”

Note: The Idaho Freedom Foundation publishes IdahoReporter.com

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