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House Resolution 002 — Elimination of personal bills

House Resolution 002 — Elimination of personal bills

Parrish Miller
January 17, 2023

Bill Description: House Resolution 2 would amend Idaho House Rules to eliminate personal bills. 

Rating: -1

Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency, accountability, or election integrity? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to government activity or increase government transparency, accountability, or election integrity?

House Resolution 2 would amend House Rule 6 to eliminate what have historically been known as “personal bills,” which are introduced by an elected state representative outside of the typical committee process. At present, such bills can be introduced during the first 20 days of the legislative session. 

Historically, these personal bills have been sent to germane committees and, over the last several decades, approximately 11% of them have passed both legislative chambers and become law.

Removing personal bills from House Rule 6 would significantly reduce the ability of individual legislators to introduce and advance legislation. It would consolidate power in the hands of House leadership and the committee chairs, who are appointed by the Speaker. By stifling discussion and debate on controversial issues, a majority of Idahoans would be denied meaningful representation in the Legislature.


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