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Ed reform lawsuit now scheduled for hearing on Monday

Ed reform lawsuit now scheduled for hearing on Monday

Mitch Coffman
October 27, 2012

An agreement between the Idaho secretary of state's office and an attorney for Education Voters of Idaho (EVI) resulted in both sides agreeing that the dispute over the release of the EVI donor list will be heard in state court on Monday, according to an Associated Press story in the Idaho Statesman.

Ben Ysursa, Idaho secretary of state, says EVI must abide by the state's Sunshine law and reveal its donor list. EVI says it is a federally recognized nonprofit group and is under no obligation to make public its donor list. EVI supports education reforms passed by the 2011 Legislature, which will be voted on in the November general election.

EVI had attempted to move the suit by Ysursa asking for disclosure to federal court, but dropped that request Friday afternoon.

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