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Where are the budget bills?

By Fred Birnbaum
January 26, 2024
Idaho's state budget is out of control. In the last four years, appropriations have grown over 50%!  Did your paycheck go up that much? "Fiscal restraint" is a foreign term to many lawmakers. This year, Idaho has a real opportunity to put the brakes on out-of-control spending. By considering the "keep the lights on" budgets […]

Idaho’s Myth of School Choice

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
January 22, 2024
“School choice” in Idaho is a myth. Elected officials and educators talk about all the options parents may choose from to get the best education for their children, but the reality is they only get to choose limited public options (other public schools or charter schools). Two weeks ago, the governor proposed his “choice” plan […]

The story about Medicaid you have not heard

By Fred Birnbaum
January 16, 2024
Breaking news you won’t get from the legacy media: Conservatives in the Idaho Legislature were correct to reject Idaho’s two separate Medicaid budgets last session. Why? The Medicaid department is sending back — “reverting” — $278 million to the General Fund, meaning that that budget was over-appropriated. To put this error in perspective, consider that […]

Idaho General Fund Revenues are down just (2%) so far this year

By Fred Birnbaum
January 10, 2024
Imagine a husband driving home from work and depositing his regular $2,000 paycheck in the bank. The teller says, “What account?”  The husband says, “Put $1,500 into checking and $500 into my fix-the-roof account.”  When his wife asks about the bank report, does the husband honestly say his income is down $500, or does he […]

Governor Little Is Seeing a Lot of Nails

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
January 9, 2024
When I was a very young kid, my dad gave me a hammer to pound some nails into a 2x4 while he was doing the real work of building a new shed. I pounded a few nails, but then I wanted to see what else that hammer could do. Yup, everything became a “nail” for […]

Capitol Clarity returns for 2024

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 9, 2024
The Idaho Freedom Foundation is proud to present Capitol Clarity, a weekly event that connects you with your elected representatives. Join us every Thursday at 12pm in the Lincoln Auditorium to not only hear from lawmakers and state officials, but to ask them your questions as well. This Thursday, January 11, come hear from new […]

Idaho Freedom Foundation Announces New Leadership

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
January 8, 2024
Ronald Nate Named President, Board of Directors Thanks Wayne Hoffman The Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), the most influential conservative policy organization in the state of Idaho since 2008, announces a leadership change. Ronald Nate, who previously served as an IFF Senior Policy Fellow, has been promoted to the position of President. Shortly after Nate joined […]

Idaho Employer Forced to Pay More for Workers to Not Work

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
January 8, 2024
I’ve seen a lot of whacky policies in my time, but unemployment insurance (UI) is one of the worst. It forces businesses to pay “contributions” into the state “employment security fund.” The fund will replace part of the lost incomes of workers who lose their jobs and have difficulty finding new work.  Sure, the intentions […]

Don’t be fooled: The medical-industrial complex wields a lot of power in Idaho

By Wayne Hoffman
January 3, 2024
Suppose a random person were to undergo surgery at one of St. Luke's hospitals, and the doctors botched the operation. The most he could hope to recover in the form of noneconomic damages is less than a million dollars, per the statute that the medical-industrial complex got passed into law just over two decades ago.  […]

In 2024, let’s do hard things

By Wayne Hoffman
December 29, 2023
Many years ago, a friend of mine had bumper stickers printed up that read, “do hard things.” The point of the stickers’ message is: most everything worth doing is hard. I liked the message so much, it is the one and only bumper sticker I ever put on my car.  Doing hard things is the […]

Our plan to combat the trans agenda following Judge Winmill’s idiotic ruling 

By Wayne Hoffman
December 27, 2023
I’m afraid I have some disappointing, and yet unsurprising, news. U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill has blocked House Bill 71 from taking effect Jan. 1. The bill would have protected children from irreversible puberty blocking medications and barbaric gender mutilation surgeries. Winmill issued his opinion Tuesday.  Winmill, one of many leftist judges in Idaho, […]

Medicaid should top Congresses and Idaho’s list of programs to tackle 

By Fred Birnbaum
December 26, 2023
In every recent presidential election, candidates bring up reforming entitlement programs like Social Security. But we will let you in on a secret: Reforming Social Security is only partly about extending the solvency of this program; it is also about avoiding the tough questions regarding programs like Medicaid. This is doubly bad because it sends […]

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