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Pay no heed to Idaho’s Chicken Littles

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
February 28, 2022
Three retired Idaho superintendents recently issued a dire warning about the effects of school choice on the state’s public schools. They cautioned, “School vouchers would be detrimental to the interests of the vast majority of Idaho students, especially those in rural areas of the state.” They also asserted, “The Idaho Legislature came dangerously close to […]

Jim Jones lies about IFF, critical race theory

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 17, 2022
Isn't it interesting how leftists will straight up lie to you about issues you care about in order to win popular support?  Such is the case with that leftist former state Supreme Court justice Jim Jones, who praised a new group formed to take on the Idaho Freedom Foundation and its friends who believe in […]

Proposal would leave incumbent protection program in place

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 16, 2022
Rep. Brent Crane reveals the truth about a biennial problem for the Legislature, but he gets the solution wrong. Crane’s House Bill 567 would shorten the window for candidates to file to run for office from two weeks at the end of February to one week. The real problem is that the primary election is […]

Critical social justice in K-12 education, Part 2: Collective guilt and racial scapegoating – Even in Idaho? 

By Anna Miller
February 9, 2022
Meridian Middle School handed out flyers that pressured teachers to judge students by the color of their skin. It told teachers to “reject the myth of colorblindness” and treat students differently based on their level of “privilege” associated with their gender or race. It says teachers are biased whether they know it or not and […]

Reporter shows his bias after IFF's Thayn interview

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 7, 2022
Sen. Steven Thayn, the Senate Education Committee chairman, believes the public education system is mediocre and fundamentally flawed because it minimizes the importance of parents in favor of government.  That’s what, among other things, Thayn shared  with me on the Hoff Time Report last Thursday.  Thayn is the first Idaho education committee chairman I’m aware […]

College and university presidents in willful defiance as they maintain social justice programs

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 3, 2022
It should be obvious to everyone at this point that the presidents of Idaho’s public colleges and universities don’t care one bit what you think about how they spend your money. They’re going to do whatever they damn well please, regardless of how instructed by lawmakers. And your job as a taxpayer is to pay […]

Funding the Hispanic Commission boosts social justice policymaking in Idaho

By Niklas Kleinworth
February 2, 2022
Gov. Brad Little introduced a proposal to increase funding for programs that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by 21%.  Through bolstering salaries and project funding in the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs, these insidious initiatives are allowed to thrive in what many would traditionally perceive as a conservative state government. With DEI policies tearing […]

Idaho Freedom Foundation, Idaho Freedom Action host Corey DeAngelis for Fund Students, Not Systems rally 

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 31, 2022
(Note: This posted has been revised to reflect the new event location.) The Idaho Freedom Foundation and Idaho Freedom Action are pleased to announce an upcoming rally featuring Corey DeAngelis, a leading advocate for education choice and national director of research at the American Federation for Children.  The rally will take place on Monday, February […]

As food prices soar, it is time for Idaho to repeal the grocery tax

By Niklas Kleinworth
January 31, 2022
Grocery prices rose by 7.6% last year, making it more difficult for families to afford basic kitchen staples like meat, fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Tacking-on Idaho’s 6% sales tax on groceries only hurts consumers, especially families, by further raising the cost of putting food on the table. After years of debate, this is the perfect […]

Critical social justice in K-12 education, Part 1: The sexualization of kids – Even in Idaho? 

By Anna Miller
January 31, 2022
School administrators in Coeur d’Alene manipulated an 11-year-old girl into believing she was a boy and should undergo gender transition surgery. The elementary school counselor had coached the young girl into believing she was transsexual and instructed her how to tell her parents about her new identity. According to a recorded phone call between the […]

Ed choice myth No. 4: There is inadequate oversight of education choice programs

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
January 24, 2022
These excerpts were taken from “Myth-Educated: Debunking common education choice misconceptions in Idaho.” Read our full analysis online at: https://idahofreedom.org/research/myth-educated/.  Fact: Education choice programs can be designed with transparency and accountability measures in place so that parents are accountable for their expenditures. “In reality, there are several ways that education choice programs can be structured […]

Lawmakers race through pricey proposals to advance Little’s agenda

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
January 20, 2022
This is my 28th legislative session, and I’ve seen legislation greased for passage when there’s a need for speed (as in an emergency) or when there’s a rush to get out of town near the end of the session . A bill can be introduced, pass the Legislature, and be signed by the governor in […]

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