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Legislature 101, equipping Idahoans with the tools they need to engage with government, returns December 8 & 9

By Dustin Hurst
November 15, 2022
Idahoans looking to engage with lawmakers at the Idaho Statehouse should plan to attend Legislature 101 this December.  Offered by the Idaho Freedom Foundation, Legislature 101 teaches Gem State residents of all political stripes how the legislative process works, how bills are developed, and how engaged citizens can make a difference in the Capitol. IFF […]

Proposed resolution from the Idaho School Boards Association opposes education freedom

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
November 11, 2022
The Idaho School Boards Association, or ISBA, is set to vote on a resolution opposing school choice. The resolution perpetuates several myths commonly used to defend the government monopoly. Member school districts will vote on the resolution as part of ISBA’s annual convention on Nov. 11. This is not the first time that ISBA has […]

GOP's Magic Valley surprise isn't a conservative win

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
November 10, 2022
For at least 36 hours, Idahoans believed that Democrat Karma Metzler Fitzgerald had bested Jack Nelson in a Magic Valley race for a House of Representatives seat. But Wednesday morning, state and county officials explained in an about-last-night-style press release, someone noticed that the state’s election results data didn’t match the county’s vote tabulation. Officials […]

Three takeaways from Idaho's general election

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
November 9, 2022
I want to give you three quick takeaways from the 2022 general election. Here they are:  I’ve been tracking, studying, and participating in elections since 1988. No election is a clean sweep. There will always be races that we wish had different outcomes. But the elections of 2022 clearly put Idaho’s conservatives on a path […]

Luna’s attack on IFF/IFA directors reveals an ugly, undeniable truth

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
November 7, 2022
Former Idaho Republican Party Chairman Tom Luna's attack on the directors of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, Idaho Freedom Action, and Idaho Freedom PAC reveals just how seedy the underbelly of establishment politics in our state is and has been for decades. Luna released an op-ed Thursday afternoon claiming that because some of the IFF and […]

What SJR 102 would do for Idaho and why it’s on your ballot

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
November 4, 2022
If Idaho’s framers wanted the governor to write laws and spend Idahoans’ money, they would have written those responsibilities into the Idaho Constitution—but they didn’t. Indeed, a major virtue of Idaho’s government is how it separates the executive and legislative branches with the principle of the Legislature as the law-writing and appropriating branch, and the […]

School districts like Idaho Falls 91 should be held accountable for electioneering

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
November 3, 2022
In 2018, the Idaho Freedom Foundation worked with state lawmakers to pass the “Public Integrity in Elections Act.” The law is specifically designed to prevent government entities from using public money to advocate for the passage or defeat of a bond or levy or to support or defeat a candidate for election. Unfortunately, the law […]

Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex ed is in these 14 public schools

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
October 31, 2022
By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor The Center for American Education has obtained a list of middle and high schools delivering Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education curriculum known as Reducing the Risk (RTR) . According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW), six out of seven of Idaho’s public health districts implemented the RTR […]

The difference between the woke and the awake

By Bryan Hyde
October 31, 2022
Ammon Bundy’s recent campaign ad that took on the “woke cult” has sent some shock waves through the political establishment. Bundy calls out the culture warriors who are systematically working to tear down the institutions and ideals on which our nation was founded. The ad has drawn strong reactions, including the predictable disapproval from the […]

Medicaid quagmire is costing Idaho dearly

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
October 31, 2022
“War is hell,” as the saying goes. Every war comes with costs on and off the battlefield, especially wars fought when there is no intention of ever winning. President Lyndon Johnson’s “war on poverty” is such a war. It’s a welfare monstrosity with a 57-year history of collateral damage including families it was supposed to […]

Brad Little benefits from easy grading on fiscal report card

By Fred Birnbaum
October 27, 2022
Gov. Brad Little recently touted his grade on the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute’s Fiscal Policy Report Card. His score as governor is the fourth highest in the nation — but there is a lot more to the story. The report card is graded based on each governor’s tax and spending records — sort of. Does Little […]

Candidates for superintendent of public instruction defend monopoly system, fail to boldly advocate for students

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
October 26, 2022
Monday evening, Democrat Terry Gilbert and Republican Debbie Critchfield, candidates for Idaho’s superintendent of public instruction, debated key policy issues, including academic performance, school choice, and education spending. Both candidates advocated for failed policies, like spending more on the public education monopoly, and ultimately failed to boldly stand for parents’ right to direct the education […]

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