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University of Idaho President Goes All in to Defeat Conservatives

By Fred Birnbaum
May 14, 2024
University of Idaho President Scott Green wants business as usual — the overspending, underperformance, and construction of woke DEI infrastructure — to continue at his institution.  That’s why Green is spending big ahead of next week’s primary elections to support candidates he believes will keep the money flowing while accountability remains low.  Scott Green is […]

Stopping Yet Another Welfare Program Won’t Starve Children

By Niklas Kleinworth
May 10, 2024
Let’s be clear: Idaho children are not going to go hungry without yet another government program. Conservatives were right to kill a proposal to provide food stamps for all Idaho children through something called the Summer EBT program. Near the end of the 2024 legislative session, lawmakers considered some of the most controversial budget bills […]

2024 Idaho Freedom Index Report: Most Idaho lawmakers fail to limit government, spending

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 8, 2024
The Idaho Freedom Foundation released its 2024 Idaho Freedom Index Tuesday, and the report's findings should disturb Idahoans who believe in limited government and personal liberty.  The report, available for download at IFF’s website, reveals that most Idaho lawmakers and the governor failed to limit spending and government’s growth during the 2024 legislative session.  “Idaho […]

Debunking the Baseless Criticisms of the Idaho Freedom Index

By Fred Birnbaum
May 2, 2024
Recently, Robert Gillis, a retired California Law Enforcement Officer, wrote a lengthy letter critical of the role that the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) plays in public policy in Idaho, condemnatory of our influence on legislation and legislators, and scathing of our primary legislative bill rater Parrish Miller.  Gillis, by his own admission, has only worked […]

Governor Little’s Reasons for the Veto of the Gold and Silver Bill Make No Sense

By Fred Birnbaum
April 26, 2024
Governor Little is no expert on gold or monetary economics.  On April 8th, just before the Legislature adjourned, the governor announced his veto of Senate Bill 1314. This bill would have allowed the Treasurer of the State of Idaho to invest small amounts of idle state money (cash) in physical gold and silver instead of […]

Idaho’s budget reform hasn’t saved taxpayers money… yet

By Niklas Kleinworth
April 24, 2024
Fiscal conservatives secured a major victory when lawmakers voted to split budget requests for each state agency into two bills, one that maintains the existing budget and a second that considers budget increases. Even with this reform, however, taxpayers are still on the hook for this year’s $13.9 billion spending spree.  Recent budget numbers show […]

Why Medicaid Seems Immune to Reform

By Fred Birnbaum
April 16, 2024
One of the last bills passed in the 2024 legislative session was Senate Bill 1456. It appropriates $4.7 billion for Idaho’s Medicaid program, the largest single budget of any kind in Idaho. This budget follows many years of massive increases in Medicaid spending, which have doubled in the last six years. This budget also follows […]

2024 Wrap-Up: The Worst Legislative Session… Ever?

By Parrish Miller
April 12, 2024
There are too many variables to make a definitive statement that this has been the worst legislative session in Idaho history, but it certainly ranks among the worst. This session has greenlit significant increases in government spending, expanded government, and provided incredibly meager tax relief, even as inflation continues to plague those who work for […]

Undoing Idaho’s lurch left, conservatives end subsidized drug abuse

By Niklas Kleinworth
April 10, 2024
Idahoans have, through their tax dollars, paid for nearly one million needles to be distributed to those engaged in drug abuse. Thankfully, the Gem State will soon cease this practice. House Bill 617 repeals Idaho’s five-year-old Syringe and Needle Exchange Act. This move is only the latest development in the fallout from the Idaho Harm […]

Illegal Immigration Issue Continues to Vex Idaho

By Fred Birnbaum
April 8, 2024
Although Idaho is far from our southern border, the issue of the illegal immigrant invasion is close to the hearts and minds of many Idahoans.  Why? Well, for starters, Idahoans understand that the roughly 8 million people who crossed our southern border during the first three years of the Biden regime are now dispersed throughout […]

Sen. Jim Guthrie Thinks He’s a Dictator

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
March 25, 2024
Idaho’s Legislature is a representative government — or so we thought. Instead of 105 legislators casting their votes on the hundreds of proposed law changes, bills often live or die at the whim of a single, stubborn, committee chair.  This session, Sen. Jim Guthrie has taken it upon himself to be the self-appointed killer of […]

Lawmakers reject financial liberty in favor of special interests

By Niklas Kleinworth
March 23, 2024
This week, Idaho’s lawmakers sided with special interests over protecting financial liberty by voting down House Bill 585. The bill would have protected Idahoans against modern fiscal threats, like the advent of central bank digital currencies and de facto bans on private digital currencies. Voting down this legislation will leave Idahoans vulnerable to more federal […]

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