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Blaine Schools Superintendent obfuscates about pornographic book in elementary school 

By Anna Miller
July 24, 2023
The Superintendent of Blaine County School District (BCSD), Jim Foudy, obfuscated facts about the presence of a sexually explicit book in the elementary school library. Foudy was aware that the pornographic book "It's Perfectly Normal" had been in Bellevue Elementary School for seven years, public records revealed, and was moved to Wood River Middle School […]

Governor Little boasts about property tax relief he vetoed

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 21, 2023
By Brian Almon and Fred Birnbaum On Wednesday, Governor Brad Little’s office issued a triumphant press release, boasting about an additional $100 million in property tax relief that will be coming to homeowners due to a larger than expected year-end state budget surplus. The release states, “Throughout the legislative session, Governor Little and the Legislature […]

Idaho Policy Makes Youth Employment Opportunities Scarce

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
July 19, 2023
When I was a 13-year-old suburban kid, I wanted to earn money. I went to grocery stores, restaurants, and gas stations to apply for jobs. None of my applications panned out. Sure, I did the occasional lawn mowing and yard clean-up jobs, but I wasn’t the entrepreneurial type, so the work and money were spotty […]

Idaho Legislators call on state library commission to withdraw from Marxist-led national group

By Anna Miller
July 17, 2023
A group of 13 Idaho Legislators has called on the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) to immediately withdraw from the Marxist-led American Library Association (ALA). The statement, published by the Idaho Freedom Caucus, makes a powerful case for the necessity of the ICfL to withdraw its membership from the ALA by exposing the organization's Marxist […]

Medicaid spending is driven by enrollment; cost control hinges on promoting self-reliance

By Niklas Kleinworth
July 14, 2023
The 2024 fiscal year will feature a $4.7 billion price tag for Idaho’s medical welfare program — Medicaid. This is the largest budget in the program’s history, costing over $1 billion more than just two years ago. Bureaucrats are trying to shift the narrative by pinning the ballooning Medicaid budget to the rising cost of […]

Montana Library Commission cuts ties with Marxist-led American Library Association; Idaho should too

By Anna Miller
July 13, 2023
The Montana State Library Commission recently voted to break all ties with the Marxist-led American Library Association (ALA). The decision is emblematic of the corruption of public and school libraries across the country which are increasingly exposing children to obscene materials. State and local efforts to reform libraries are undercut when national groups control and […]

Ending the fentanyl crisis requires impeaching President Biden

By Fred Birnbaum
July 11, 2023
Let’s start by agreeing with Gov. Brad Little that the proliferation of fentanyl is a grave threat to the health, safety, and general well-being of Idahoans.  As the Idaho website on fentanyl, Fentanyl Takes All, points out, “For the first time in US history, over 100,000 Americans have died of drug overdoses in a single […]

The Maternal Mortality Review Committee was an unnecessary waste of tax dollars

By Brian Almon
July 10, 2023
During the last legislative session, the Idaho Freedom Foundation helped convince a House committee not to extend the Maternal Mortality Review Committee. This was only possible because the original bill creating the board in 2019 included a three-year sunset provision, which expired at the end of June. Local media predictably lamented the expiration. “Idaho is […]

Pride in America

By Brian Almon
July 5, 2023
In late April, as the legislative session was wrapping up, IFF president Wayne Hoffman suggested that we spend the month highlighting figures who faced censure and cancellation because they stood up for traditional American values. We thought it would be a wholesome alternative to a month dedicated to celebrating sexual preferences. Over the next few […]

Pride in America: Thomas Jefferson

By Niklas Kleinworth
July 4, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will highlight a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. Thomas Jefferson is arguably one of the […]

Pride in America: Patrick Henry

By Ryan Claassen
July 3, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will highlight a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. “Give me liberty or give me death!” […]

Pride in America:  Charles Murray

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
June 30, 2023
A scholar and a fearless warrior It is audacious in today’s world for a scholar, researcher, and scientist to criticize social policies meant to help the poor and disadvantaged. One of the very first books I ever read about LBJ’s Great Society programs and their utter failure was a masterful work titled Losing Ground by […]

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