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Deregulation Part 2: The great medical residency bottleneck

By Niklas Kleinworth
June 19, 2023
Taxpayers are about to pay $12.7 million to subsidize medical residencies in the 2024 fiscal year. About $800,000 of this is new spending used to expand the number of residency positions. It’s all part of a larger state government plan to address physician shortages in Idaho as the state still ranks last in the number […]

Pride in America: Grover Cleveland

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
June 19, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will highlight a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. Perhaps the last US President to truly […]

Pride in America: James Madison

By Niklas Kleinworth
June 16, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will highlight a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. The ultimate goal of cancel culture is […]

Pride in America: Clarence Thomas

By Brian Almon
June 15, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will highlight a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. In 1991, a distinguished jurist was nominated […]

Disturbing behavior of Idaho elementary teacher ignored for years by school administrators

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
June 14, 2023
By Anna K. Miller and Scott Yenor Parents of elementary students in a rural Idaho school district have been complaining about an Idaho teacher who sexualizes musical instruction. Parents claim the inappropriate behavior occurred for years before the Nampa School District started an investigation into the teacher. The music teacher, Tony Bradshaw, is still on […]

Pride in America: J.K. Rowling

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 14, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will highlight a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. While J.K. Rowling is not an American, […]

Pride In America: Walter Williams

By Anna Miller
June 13, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will highlight a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. Walter Williams, a distinguished professor and champion […]

As Idaho law gives advantages to leftist union orgs, NEA develops new gender toolkit

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 13, 2023
Why, oh why, do Idaho’s politicians keep allowing the leftist National Education Association (NEA) to have special rights to control Idaho’s government-run schools? Since 1971, the state of Idaho has afforded collective bargaining rights to school labor unions, the chief beneficiary of which is the Idaho Education Association, the NEA’s Idaho affiliate.  In recent years, […]

Pride in America: Nancy Green

By Brian Almon
June 12, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will be highlighting a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. In the interest of “political correctness,” […]

Real conservatives don’t find new ways to grow government 

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 12, 2023
Gov. Brad Little’s socialist Idaho Launch program, which steals $8,000 a piece from people who earned it and gives it to high school graduates who didn’t, is already running into headwinds. Ironically, the program hasn’t even “launched” yet.  “What they’re doing right now does not align with the legislative intent, with the bill that I […]

Pride in America: George Washington

By Brian Almon
June 9, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will be highlighting a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. In the annals of human history, […]

Financial Literacy is Needed in Education Funding Discussion

By Fred Birnbaum
June 9, 2023
The leftists at Reclaim Idaho are bringing the same math skills to the debate about Idaho’s funding of public schools as they did to Medicaid expansion in 2018. Reclaim Idaho, the group that also infamously pushed for Medicaid expansion, costing taxpayers more than double what was estimated five years ago, claims that the state’s K-12 […]

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