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The Untold Truth About The History Of Public Schools

By Anna Miller
October 16, 2023
The history of public schools is steeped in anti-Catholic bigotry, conformity, political fights, and low academic achievement for students. It's no wonder families are demanding school choice.

Lack of Affordable Daycare is a Symptom of Government Failure

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
October 12, 2023
A recent article from the lefty Idaho Capital Sun was all about the troubles states are having with their childcare systems despite having propped up daycare with tons of cash during the COVID mess — the mess being the government’s creation of the virus and the worldwide decisions of government entities to shut down the […]

Government funding for harm reduction projects is not about reducing harm

By Niklas Kleinworth
September 28, 2023
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare is struggling to redirect federal funds from woke nonprofits to people who would actually benefit.  This funding debacle is delaying community access to Narcan — a drug used to reverse opioid overdoses — and caused a stir in the media this week. But the debate over publicly funding […]

Leftist initiative's secret aim is more government, less freedom

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
September 27, 2023
Imagine a scenario where Idaho politicians are more likely than not to vote to restrict gun rights, loosen abortion laws, regulate homeschools, and grow government. That's the type of result proponents of the ranked-choice ballot initiative are really after, even if they won't admit it. Why? Because for the last 25 years, Idaho’s electorate has […]

America’s national elite has become leftist, and it’s time that Idaho’s establishment pushed back

By Fred Birnbaum
September 21, 2023
There is a political phenomenon we should all find interesting. Look at how the term “extremist” is used to describe those Republican officeholders in Idaho and nationally who don’t hew to the establishment narrative. Those who are called “extremists” are consistently opposed to the notions:  But what leaves me scratching my head is that those […]

Library director defends pornographic book on 'BDSM,' 'kink,' calling it 'fantastic' and 'a treasure.'

By Anna Miller
September 18, 2023
"Really, this book is a treasure," said the library director about a book that teaches kids about 'fluid-bonding,' BDSM, and kinky sex. The director of the Garden Valley District Library is defending her decision to offer a sexually explicit book promoting kinky sex, BDSM, "fluid-bonding," and transgenderism to minors, saying the book is "fantastic" and […]

Reminder: Butch Otter was no conservative, and now he backs the rigging of Idaho’s elections

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
September 14, 2023
Butch Otter’s record as governor wasn’t a conservative one. Let’s take a little stroll down memory lane to remind Idahoans of Otter’s abandonment of conservative principles throughout his disastrous tenure as the state government’s CEO. It included: And that’s just the highlight reel. So, let’s not act too terribly surprised that Otter is now backing […]

The real reason Americans are fleeing California

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
September 12, 2023
This article was originally published at The Telegraph. Gavin Newsom's woke policies are hurting children's education. Is it any wonder their parents are leaving? By Scott Yenor and Alli Megal “As California goes, so goes the nation”. That’s the phrase the ruling class of the most populous state in America likes to intone when times […]

Why should the Idaho Legislature make Bitcoin freedom a priority in 2024?

By Niklas Kleinworth
September 11, 2023
Control over how money is created, spent, and distributed is at the crux of the Left’s legal and cultural takeover of the United States. With the free market circumventing this tyrannical control through the adoption of Bitcoin, Idaho lawmakers should consider legislative action to protect this innovation in financial freedom. Policies should bolster financial privacy, […]

Lawmaker’s dishonesty gives cover to medical-industrial complex 

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
August 29, 2023
Medical welfare makes up the biggest part of the state’s budget at more than $4.5 billion. It’s bigger than education. Bigger than transportation. The program, called Medicaid, is a big deal and, arguably, a growing problem for taxpayers and society as a whole. The chart for Medicaid spending looks like a hockey stick. It’s off […]

Boise School District pressures teachers to affirm new sexual identities of "gender queer," "pansexual," and "nonbinary" in students

By Anna Miller
August 24, 2023
The Boise School District (BSD) has been training teachers in radical gender ideology, including pressuring teachers to affirm students’ different sexual identities such as “pansexual,” “transgender,” “gender queer,” and “non-binary.” Teachers were told to use pronouns corresponding to a student’s gender identity, regardless of their deeply held personal or religious beliefs. They were given resources […]

Independent audit finds state agency defied Idaho law to distribute public funds to woke pre-K and child care providers

By Anna Miller
August 22, 2023
An independent audit found that the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare defied Idaho law in the grant-making process. Public records further demonstrate that high-ranking administrators deliberately designed the grant process to serve children ages birth to five. Thanks to the efforts of Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld, the Idaho Freedom Foundation's Center for American Education broke […]
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