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Bill ridding Capitol mall of Occupy campers heads to the governor

Bill ridding Capitol mall of Occupy campers heads to the governor

Mitch Coffman
February 17, 2012

After hours of testimony in Senate and House committees, several trips through the amending order, and nearly a month since it was first introduced, House Bill 404--also known as the anti-Occupy Boise bill--passed the House and will now head to the desk of the governor.

For all the debate that has gone on previously, Friday's decision was very quick. The bill's sponsor, Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, R-Oakley, testified in favor of the bill, saying it simply closes a loophole. Rep. John Rusche, D-Lewiston, testified against the bill, saying "I don't think this is the way I care for our government to work."

With that, the members of the House voted to pass the legislation 51-14. It now heads to the desk of Gov. Butch Otter for his consideration.

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