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Posts by Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President

February 14, 2020
Only lawmakers can stop local governments from bleeding us dry
Tags: Articles
February 13, 2020
House Bill 481 — School technology grants program
February 13, 2020
House Bill 431 — Attorney general oversight of charitable assets
February 12, 2020
Senate Bill 1326 — Using taxpayer funds for loan assistance
February 12, 2020
Senate Bill 1325 — Using Opportunity Scholarship funds for professional development
February 12, 2020
Senate Bill 1323 — Convictions used to prohibit entry into teaching profession
February 7, 2020
Now’s the time to have your voice heard on property taxes
Tags: Articles
February 6, 2020
Senate Bill 1274 — Creation of a new Office of Administrative Hearings
February 6, 2020
Senate Bill 1285 — Mandated school trustee training
February 2, 2020
Every parent knows why the bond election rerun bill is good policy
Tags: Articles
January 24, 2020
Three promising bills could provide property tax relief for Idahoans
January 18, 2020
Credit Little with containing costs after Kustra’s expensive years at BSU
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Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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