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Posts by Parrish Miller

February 7, 2020
Senate Bill 1282 — Elimination of cemetarian license
February 7, 2020
House Bill 390 — Property assessment, market value
February 7, 2020
House Bill 432 — Criminal justice data system
February 7, 2020
House Bill 407 — Income tax credit, food sales
February 6, 2020
Senate Bill 1283 — Administrative rule waivers
February 6, 2020
House Bill 391 — Young athletes, chiropractors
February 6, 2020
House Bill 394 — Concealed weapons, legal residents
February 6, 2020
House Bill 400 — Payday lenders, licensing
February 6, 2020
House Bill 399 — Collection agencies
February 4, 2020
Senate Bill 1275 — Six-month contraceptive mandate for insurance companies
February 4, 2020
Senate Bill 1276 — Childrens walking and biking infrastructure program
February 4, 2020
House Bill 387 — Surprise medical billing
1 78 79 80 81 82 89
Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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