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Posts by Parrish Miller

February 10, 2020
House Bill 438 — Prevention, blindness, infants
February 10, 2020
House Bill 423 — Athlete agents, licensing
February 10, 2020
Senate Bill 1296 — Transportation network company regulations
February 10, 2020
House Bill 406 — Female genital mutilation, child
February 10, 2020
House Bill 404 — Financial exploitation of an elder
February 10, 2020
House Bill 414 — Liquor stores, sample tastings
February 10, 2020
House Bill 402 — Child protection, training
February 10, 2020
House Bill 411 — Notification of towing
February 10, 2020
House Bill 410 — License plates, valid ten years
February 9, 2020
House Bill 419 — Board of morticians, licensing
February 9, 2020
House Bill 413 — City council elections, districts
February 7, 2020
Senate Bill 1284 — Indigent defendants confidentiality
1 77 78 79 80 81 89
Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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