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Posts by Parrish Miller

February 26, 2020
Senate Joint Resolution 104 — Warrantless arrests constitutional amendment
February 26, 2020
House Concurrent Resolution 30 — PERSI, cost of living adjustments
February 26, 2020
House Bill 463 — Court fees
February 25, 2020
House Bill 545 — Creates swan tags
February 25, 2020
Senate Bill 1343 — Bicyclists, mountain operators
February 24, 2020
House Bill 532 — Extended employment services
February 24, 2020
House Bill 538 — Tobacco, electronic smoking devices
February 24, 2020
House Bill 488 — Utilities, lot, parcel
February 24, 2020
House Bill 446 — Professional service contracts
February 22, 2020
House Bill 529 — Aid during emergency, immunity
February 21, 2020
Senate Bill 1342 — Commercial burglary
February 21, 2020
Senate Bill 1330 — Extended employment services program
1 72 73 74 75 76 89
Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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