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Posts by Niklas Kleinworth

March 24, 2024
House Bill 734 – Colleges and Universities, Appropriations FY25
March 23, 2024
Lawmakers reject financial liberty in favor of special interests
Tags: Sound Money
March 22, 2024
Senate Bill 1442 – Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses, Appropriations FY25
March 22, 2024
House Bill 731 – Department of Agriculture, H592 Trailer, Appropriations FY25
March 22, 2024
House Bill 726 – Department of Administration, Appropriations FY25
March 22, 2024
House Bill 725 – Commissioner Salary Increase, Appropriations FY25
March 22, 2024
Senate Bill 1437 – Health and Welfare, Behavioral Health Services, Supplementals FY24 and Appropriations FY25
March 21, 2024
Senate Bill 1434 – Office of the Attorney General, Supplemental FY24 and Appropriations FY25
March 21, 2024
Senate Bill 1435 – Idaho State Police, Appropriations FY25
March 19, 2024
House Bill 723 – Idaho Transportation Department, Appropriations FY25
March 19, 2024
House Bill 720 – Division of Human Resources, Appropriations FY25
March 19, 2024
House Bill 719 – Public Schools, Educational Services for the Deaf and Blind, Appropriations FY25
Idaho Freedom Foundation
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