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Posts by Niklas Kleinworth

March 22, 2023
House Bill 355 – Idaho Millennium Fund, Appropriations FY24
March 22, 2023
House Bill 354 – Transportation Department, Transfer Appropriations FY23 and FY24
March 22, 2023
House Bill 353 – Education – Department of Education, Appropriations FY24
March 22, 2023
House Bill 350 – Department of Health and Welfare – Behavioral Health Services, Appropriations FY24 and Supplementals FY23
March 22, 2023
House Bill 352 – Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Appropriations FY24
March 22, 2023
House Bill 356 – Rural Nursing Repayment Program, Trailer Appropriations FY24
March 22, 2023
Senate Bill 1196 – Department of Parks and Recreation, Appropriation FY24 and Supplemental FY23
March 21, 2023
Senate Bill 1195 – Medicaid Management Information System, Trailer Appropriations FY23 and FY24
March 21, 2023
Senate Bill 1192 – Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, Appropriations FY24
March 21, 2023
Senate Bill 1193 – Department of Environmental Quality Receipts, Trailer Appropriations FY23
March 21, 2023
House Bill 345 – Charter School Revolving Loan Fund, Trailer Appropriations FY23
March 21, 2023
House Bill 344 – Commission Libraries, Appropriations FY24
1 13 14 15 16 17 28
Idaho Freedom Foundation
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