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Posts by Fred Birnbaum

February 15, 2022
House Resolution 18 - To fund the Idaho Department of Corrections’ funding request to construct a new reentry center in Pocatello
February 14, 2022
House Resolution 16 - To fund the Idaho State Police's request for the purchase of a new helicopter and related expenses
February 14, 2022
House Resolution 10 - To dedicate funding for the construction of a new women’s prison in Kuna
February 14, 2022
House Resolution 15 - To dedicate ARPA funding to the Idaho Supreme Court to cover technology improvements.
February 14, 2022
House Resolution 9 - To dedicate ARPA funding to workforce training initiatives for in-demand professions
February 14, 2022
House Resolution 6 - To bolster reserves in the Idaho State Employee Health Insurance Fund
February 14, 2022
House Resolution 8 - To dedicate ARPA funding to provide childcare infrastructure expansion grants
February 14, 2022
House Resolution 7 - To dedicate ARPA funding to the Idaho Foodbank
January 12, 2022
Brad Little’s budget boasts 17.1% spending increase, not 8.1%
October 16, 2021
Idaho Business for Education’s scorecard provides cover for Democrats and education establishment
September 14, 2021
Little’s missed opportunity to school Joe Biden on forest fires in the West
Tags: Liberty
August 19, 2021
Explained: How Gov. Little sidestepped the Legislature to fund COVID testing in schools
Tags: Budget & Tax
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