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Posts by Fred Birnbaum

April 2, 2019
House Bill 297 - Office of the State Board of Education
March 25, 2019
House Bill 289 - Department of Administration
March 22, 2019
Senate Bill 1203 - Department of Labor
March 21, 2019
Senate Bill 1200 - Department of Fish and Game
March 20, 2019
Senate Bill 1199 - Department of Health and Welfare: domestic violence council, development disabilities, indirect support services, health care policy initiatives, and licensing and certification
March 19, 2019
Senate Bill 1193 - Education board, special programs
March 19, 2019
Senate Bill 1184 - Department of Health and Welfare: public health services
March 18, 2019
Senate Bill 1187 - Millennium Fund
March 18, 2019
House Bill 267 - Colleges and universities
March 15, 2019
Senate Bill 1189 - Arts commission
March 15, 2019
House Bill 260 - Wolf Control Fund
March 14, 2019
Idaho needs accountability in education
1 16 17 18 19 20 44
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