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Attorney general investigating Canyon County Sheriff Donahue

Attorney general investigating Canyon County Sheriff Donahue

Dustin Hurst
September 8, 2015
Author Image
September 8, 2015

The Idaho attorney general’s office is investigating Canyon County Sheriff Kieran Donahue, IdahoReporter.com confirmed Tuesday morning.

Joe Decker, the county’s spokesman, confirmed the inquiry in an email to IdahoReporter.com. “Yes, the County is aware that the Attorney General’s Office has initiated a preliminary investigation under Idaho Code 31-2002,” Decker said.

He didn’t elaborate or explain the reason for the investigation. IdahoReporter.com requested further comment from the county.

The section of Idaho law Decker referenced says the attorney general “shall conduct a preliminary investigation of any allegation of a violation of state law, civil or criminal, against a county officer occupying an elective office for violation of state law in his official capacity.”

Todd Dvorak, spokesman for Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden’s office, did not comment on the matter Tuesday.

Idaho law gives Wasden’s office three options after it investigates public officials. The office can conclude its work and do nothing, suggest training or “other nonjudicial remedies,” or suggest further investigation or prosecution.

IdahoReporter.com emailed Donahue for a comment on this matter.

Updated 9.8.2015, 3:58 P.M: Decker issued a statement from Donahue: 

"I was made aware by the Attorney General’s Office that an anonymous complaint had been made alleging misconduct. We have been and will continue to cooperate fully with the AG's investigation. We are confident that at the conclusion of the investigation the Sheriff's Office and I will be cleared of any wrong doing."


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