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April 17 is Tax Freedom Day nationally and in Idaho

April 17 is Tax Freedom Day nationally and in Idaho

Mitch Coffman
April 17, 2012

National Tax Freedom Day, which is also Tax Freedom Day in the Gem State, comes four days later this year due to higher corporate and income tax collections. According to the Tax Foundation, Tax Day is "a vivid, calendar-based illustration of government’s cost, and it gives Americans an easy way to gauge the overall tax take."

Basically, the higher percentage of taxes collected, the later in the year Tax Day comes.

The latest date was in 2000, when it fell on May 1. Taxpayers paid 33 percent of their total income on taxes that year. For some perspective, in 1900, taxpayers spent just 5.9 percent of their total income in taxes. Consequently, Tax Day fell on Jan. 22.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
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