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Announcing Capitol Clarity with Dr. Ryan Cole

Announcing Capitol Clarity with Dr. Ryan Cole

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 15, 2024

For immediate release - March 15, 2024
Boise, Idaho

They hated him for telling the truth.

Idaho’s own Dr. Ryan Cole is a board certified clinical pathologist and the founder of a world-renowned diagnostics lab in Boise. Dr. Cole has spent the past four years speaking truth to the powers that locked free citizens in their homes, closed their churches and businesses, and forced an experimental and untested injection on the entire country.

He has been persecuted. The State of Washington has been attempting to revoke his license to practice medicine. Media outlets continue to slander him as a conspiracy theory and a kook. Yet, Dr. Cole stands tall on the foundation of the truth.

Three years ago, Dr. Cole joined the Idaho Freedom Foundation at Capitol Clarity, warning about the specter of mandatory vaccines and the potential dangers these experiments might pose. Today, his warnings have been proven sadly prescient.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation is proud to welcome back Dr. Ryan Cole to the final Capitol Clarity event of 2024. Join us Thursday, March 21, online or in room WW55 at the Idaho State Capitol, to hear from Dr. Cole and his colleagues about the state of health freedom in America today.

Capitol Clarity began in 2021 as a joint operation between IFF, Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin, and Rep. Dorothy Moon. We are proud to continue this program that brings lawmakers and government leaders together with the people of Idaho.

If you can’t make it in person, join us online on YouTube, Facebook, X, or capitolclarity.com.
Learn more at idahofreedom.org.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2025 Idaho freedom Foundation
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