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Allred's campaign staff has links to Clinton, Minnick, Bieter

Allred's campaign staff has links to Clinton, Minnick, Bieter

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 7, 2010

Idaho Democratic gubernatorial candidate Keith Allred is drawing on experienced campaigners to help him in his race for the top office in Idaho. Allred's campaign staff has ties to the state Democratic party as well as Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Congressman Walt Minnick, and Boise Mayor Dave Bieter.
Allred announced his campaign staff Wednesday.
His campaign manager is former U.S. Attorney Betty Richardson. She served as Idaho's U.S. Attorney during the Clinton administration. Richardson unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2002 and led the Idaho Democratic Party's search for candidates for this year's statewide elections.
Allred's press secretary is former Idaho Mountain Express and Boise Weekly editor Shea Andersen. His finance director is Suzanne Gore, a former fundraiser for Minnick and other candidates. Allred's director of operations is Matt Compton, who worked on campaigns for Bieter and new Boise City Councilman TJ Thomson.
Allred's announcement came on the same day independent Jana Kemp formally kicked off her campaign for governor.

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