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AG: Teacher bonuses need to be paid by Nov. 21

AG: Teacher bonuses need to be paid by Nov. 21

Mitch Coffman
November 3, 2012

A story in the Lewiston Tribune says teachers eligible for a pay-for-performance bonus will receive the money regardless of the outcome of the Proposition 2 vote Nob. 6. However, one variable that could cause a problem is the date districts elect to pay the bonus.

The story reports that Rep. John Rusche, D-Lewiston, requested an opinion from the attorney general and his office said any statute rejected by voters is still the law of the state until election results are certified on Nov. 21 by the governor. So if the bonuses are paid in advance of that date, there should be no problem, according to the attorney general's office.

Bonuses are supposed to be paid by Nov. 15, But there might be a potential problem, according to an education department spokeswoman. She explained that some districts may have a  problem with the Nov. 15 date due to their payroll schedule, thus casting some doubt on the legality of the payments after that date if the proposition fails.


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