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Ada County Democrats plan anti-Palin event of their own

Ada County Democrats plan anti-Palin event of their own

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 20, 2010

It was reported by IdahoReporter.com Thursday morning that some Republicans from across the state of Idaho will gather in Boise Friday to protest a visit from one of their party's national superstars - former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, making an appearance in town to stump for Vaughn Ward, who is facing state Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Eagle, in the May 25 Republican primary election in Idaho's 1st Congressional District. The group of Republicans, many of them Labrador supporters, is upset over Palin's interference into local politics, as well as her recent endorsement of Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, who is facing a tough primary fight of his own. It looks as though Democrats will get in on the protesting act Friday, though well after Palin's visit to the state.

Ada County Democrats (ACD) are pushing their anti-Palin event over Facebook and the group's website.  On Facebook, an event has been created by ACD entitled "The 'I Didn't Vote for Sarah Palin, Either' Party," which will feature Palin look-alike and sound-alike contests.  The title of the event is a poke at Ward, who admitted to not voting for Palin when she was the running mate of Sen. John McCain in his 2008 run at the White House.  Ward was working for the McCain campaign in Nevada as its state director when voting took place and said that he was too busy with campaign duties to return to Idaho, where he registered in the Republican primary election, to vote.  He also claimed that he simply forgot to request an absentee ballot to vote while out of state.

Palin, who endorsed Ward in March, is scheduled to appear at Sportszone, a bar and grill near the arena, from 9:30 a.m. until the start of the rally for Ward, which begins at 11:00 a.m. The Ward campaign is charging $250 a person for a VIP reception with Palin, which begins at 10 a.m. and those who wish to have a photo taken with her can do so for $1,000.

Here is a screenshot from the event page:

ACD also created a Facebook group entitled “I Didn't Vote for Sarah Palin, Either,” which has 338 supporters.  The administrator of the page posted a clip of Ward in his debate with Labrador Tuesday night in Post Falls in which Ward said Puerto Rico is a foreign country and mocks him for saying so.  Also  found on group page is a link to a an article featuring Tina Fey, famed Palin-impersonator, giving tips on how to speak like the former governor of Alaska, and a list from the Boise Weekly about 10 things Palin should do while in town.  The comical list is headed by the suggestion that she ride the inflatable dinosaur and campaign prop of Republican gubernatorial candidate Rex Ramell.  The list also suggests that she collect free Idaho potato pins from the Idaho Potato Commission.

For those interested in attend the Democratic anti-Palin party, it set for 5:00 p.m. at Fixx coffee shop in downtown Boise.  For those interested in the Republican protest, it will take place at the corner of 9th and Front Streets in Boise, 30 minutes before Palin is scheduled to appear in the arena.

Voters go to the polls Tuesday to choose between Labrador and Ward.  Whichever man prevails in the contest will face Democratic incumbent Walt Minnick in November's general election. Interestingly enough, Minnick has received an endorsement from the Tea Party Express, a national Tea Party group with which Palin has associated with in the past year.

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