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AARP study reveals political makeup of Idaho's seniors

AARP study reveals political makeup of Idaho's seniors

Dustin Hurst
April 20, 2010
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April 20, 2010

The largest membership organization in the state, the AARP,  revealed the political makeup of those age 50 and older Tuesday after studying the voting habits and trends of Idaho's seniors.  Politicians on all levels and from both parties might want to pay attention to the study, which found that 37 percent of Idaho's seniors identify themselves with neither the Republicans or the Democrats.

Seniors in the state are likely to vote in elections, the study finds.  Those 50 years of age and older make up approximately 56 percent of all registered voters in Idaho.  In 2008, 93 percent of those registered voters over 50 made it to the polls to vote.

The study also lays out the political affiliations of seniors.  According to the report, 37 percent of respondents identified themselves as independents rather than belonging to a political party.  Republican party affiliation was found to be at 29 percent, while 17 percent said they are Democrats.  Those statistics may be a little bit leading, however.  When it comes to personal politics, 53 percent of AARP members identified themselves as conservative, while 26 percent deemed their views as moderate.  Only 8 percent of respondents said their political beliefs are liberal.

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