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AARP decries House passage of health workers' conscience legislation (video)

AARP decries House passage of health workers' conscience legislation (video)

Dustin Hurst
March 18, 2010
Author Image
March 18, 2010

The Idaho AARP believes that the Idaho House's passage of Senate Bill 1353, more commonly known as health worker's conscience rights legislation, will allow health care workers to ignore end-of-life directives of patients.

In a statement released by the organization, the group said that it believes it the bill could "leave patient's needs, rights, and wishes out in the cold."

From the release:

"Today, the Idaho House said it's all right for health care professionals to ignore the wishes and instructions of their patients - and that's a dangerous directions for health care in our state," said Jim Wordelman, State Director for AARP in Idaho.  "AARP members across Idaho are outraged by this bill and its implications on their living wills, advance directives and end of life care"

"This bill will leave patients struggling, unsure of what care they'll get when it comes to their end of life issues," added Wordelman.  "A deathbed is the wrong place to learn what violates someone else's conscience and what doesn't."

IdahoReporter.com was able to speak with David Irwin, the group's spokesman, shortly after lawmakers in the House passed the legislation.  Here is what Irwin had to say:

The legislation passed on a 51-19 vote in the House to overcome its final hurdle before being sent to Gov. Butch Otter for his signature. House Democrats tried to remove the end-of-life language from the bill Tuesday, but Republicans voted the attempt down.

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