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House passes proclamation honoring Chinese festival

House passes proclamation honoring Chinese festival

Dustin Hurst
February 8, 2010
Author Image
February 8, 2010

A proclamation honoring the city of Garden City and Ada County for their roles in honoring the Chinese heritage of the area unanimously passed the full House today.

The proclamation, brought by Rep. Elfreda Higgins, D-Garden City, is meant to honor the city and county for the Chinese Heritage Day celebrations, which are usually held the first weekend in October.  The event started in 2007 and has since grown, as Higgins pointed out, to a larger-scale celebration featuring 30 arts and craft booths, as well as cultural dance display and martial arts demonstrations.

Rep. Sue Chew, D-Boise, said that as a member of the Chinese community, she supports the measure and invited members of the House to celebrate the Chinese New Year, which is Sunday.

The measure unanimously passed on a voice vote and will now move on to the Senate for consideration.

Read IdahoReporter.com's first story on the proclamation here.

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