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House Bill 403 — Driver’s license, thirty days (-1)

House Bill 403 — Driver’s license, thirty days (-1)

Parrish Miller
March 17, 2025

Bill Description: House Bill 403 would require new Idaho residents to obtain Idaho driver's licenses and title their vehicles within 30 days of arriving.

Rating: -1

Does it directly or indirectly create or increase penalties for victimless crimes or non-restorative penalties for non-violent crimes? Conversely, does it eliminate or decrease penalties for victimless crimes or non-restorative penalties for non-violent crimes?

House Bill 403 would amend Section 49-301, Idaho Code, to add a new subsection saying, "Any Idaho resident operating with a noncommercial driver's license issued by a jurisdiction other than Idaho shall apply for an Idaho-issued class D driver's license or other Idaho credential within thirty (30) days of becoming a resident as that term is defined in section 49-119(12), Idaho Code. It is an infraction for any Idaho resident driver to fail to apply for an Idaho-issued driver's license within the time period provided for in this subsection."

The bill would also amend sections 49-401A and 49-502, Idaho Code, to impose similar 30-day limits for new residents to title their vehicles and trailers. 

Moving is often stressful and often inefficient. The process of purchasing property, building a home, selling property in another state, and fully moving into a new residence can take months. Sometimes moving may require staying a short-term rental while a house is completed or other arrangements are finalized. 

Many new residents are understandably reluctant to change their driver's licenses and titles to a temporary address while they're waiting to finalize buying or building their new home. This bill imposes unnecessarily burdensome requirements on new residents and provides no option for a grace period or other extension. 


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