Bill Description: Senate Bill 1142 would repeal the empowering parents grant program.
Rating: +1
Does it increase government spending (for objectionable purposes) or debt? Conversely, does it decrease government spending or debt?
Senate Bill 1142 would eliminate the empowering parents grant program along with its $30 million annual appropriation. One of the faults of school choice in other states is that after passing universal school choice legislation they subsequently fail to repeal the narrow programs that were previously established and are no longer necessary. Once universal school choice is achieved, it is best practice to repeal those narrow programs and roll those funds over to help fund the universal programs. Ideally, Senate Bill 1142 would do the same. Currently the Idaho parental choice tax credit has enough funds for roughly 10,000 applicants, which would cover about half of the existing private school population of 18,000–23,000. An additional $30 million would provide enough funds for 6,000 more applicants. Nevertheless, Senate Bill 1142 at least reduces the state’s overall spending on education.