Bill Description: House Bill 293 would institute a flat reimbursement rate of 85 percent for K-12 student transportation and allow the use of alternative forms of transportation vehicles other than buses.
Rating: -2
Does it increase government spending (for objectionable purposes) or debt? Conversely, does it decrease government spending or debt?
The fiscal note for House Bill 293 is misleading. It suggests the costs associated with this legislation are already included in the agency’s budget. This is not the case, as the increases associated with this legislation are merely requests for additional spending and have yet to be approved by the legislature. It fails to specify the true fiscal impact of the legislation for the next fiscal year.
There are two ways this legislation would increase objectionable spending. First, House Bill 293 would increase the K-12 reimbursement rate for K-12 transportation from 50 percent to 85 percent. The bill’s fiscal note projects only a minimal “funding increase for FY 2027, based on inflationary costs.” But according to spreadsheets provided by the State Department of Education, the shift would result in $3.1 million in new costs to the state.
Second, this legislation repeals a portion of statute which diverts $7.5 million from transportation funding to discretionary spending. This would prevent the diversion, leaving the $7.5 million in the fund for transportation. It is unclear, however, whether this would also reduce discretionary funds by $7.5 million, or if this value remains. If this is the case, it would provide additional spending without a designated purpose or objective, constituting waste.
Does it expand the government's bureaucratic monopoly on education, reduce family and student choice, or finance education based on an institution or system? Conversely, does it reduce government coercion in education, expand education choice, or finance education based on the student rather than the institution?
House Bill 293 also amends the language of the transportation support program to specify that the primary responsibility of determining “authorized transportation operations” is the responsibility of the state board of education, rather than the school districts. This language combined with the increased reimbursement rate further centralizes the administration of school operations.